What Is Infinity Powerlifting?

Unlocking the Benefits of Powerlifting: A Deep Dive with Infinity Coaches

If you've ever been curious about the world of powerlifting, you're not alone. Powerlifting, with its emphasis on raw strength and performance, has been capturing the attention of many fitness enthusiasts lately. But what exactly is powerlifting, and how does it differ from traditional fitness programming? To shed light on these questions, we sat down with Brian and Cory, coaches from Infinity Gym, as they delve into the nuances of powerlifting and share their experiences with clients.


Brian: "We thought today the topic would be prudent to cover powerlifting It's very front of mind because we have in what is it two weeks on March 30th We have infinities first powerlifting meet we have done some very Informal meets in the past just to expose some of our current clientele to powerlifting."

Cory: "And in a couple of weeks, we're going to have a little bit more of a formal meet and lifters are going to be coming from Albany. We have some people coming from out of town. We have clients here in Ithaca that are going to compete and it's going to be regulated."

Brian: "So, you know, back to the programming, we always say it's not the workout, it's the program, right? If you sat down and learned a chord or multiple chords on a guitar, you still wouldn't have a song. It's the composure of those chords that makes the song. And that to us as Infinity Coaches, is exactly what the programming is."

Powerlifting, as Brian explains, is not just about lifting weights; it's about systematically improving three major lifts: the deadlift, squat, and bench press. Unlike traditional fitness programming, where exercises may vary widely, powerlifting focuses on refining these fundamental movements to build raw strength.

Brian: "And in a couple of weeks, we're going to have a little bit more of a formal meet and lifters are going to be coming from Albany. We have some people coming from out of town. We have clients here in Ithaca that are going to compete and it's going to be regulated."


Brian emphasizes that powerlifting isn't just about lifting heavy weights; it's about mastering form and technique to avoid injury and maximize performance. Through careful programming and attention to detail, Infinity Gym helps clients harness the powerlifting method to achieve their fitness goals.

Brian: "That's where the powerlifting buzz has come from in our facility as well. And if it could, because we have, um, we have about six people that are regularly in the gym."

Cory: "Yeah."

Brian: "We have a couple that are online and remote and, um, a few of them in the gym have like, uh, multiplied the interest just by working out on their own next, you know, alongside small group members and, um."

Cory shares the experiences of trainers Giovanna and Silvana, who have seen significant strength gains through powerlifting without sacrificing their athletic physique. Their success highlights the misconceptions surrounding powerlifting, particularly the fear of bulking up, which is unfounded.

Cory: "Yeah, so Giovanna and Silvana are both two of our trainers in Albany. You know, very lean, athletic, you know, two people that are obviously not looking to get any bulkier in their current physiques, but have this goal of competing in a Powerlifting meet."

Brian: "You're right."

Through their coaching, Brian and Cory emphasize the importance of safety and proper technique in powerlifting. While lifting heavy weights can be intimidating, Infinity Gym ensures that clients progress safely and effectively, prioritizing form over ego.

Brian: "Yeah, no, for sure. No ego lifting on the Infinity Powerlifting team."

Cory: "No, safety I think was the biggest thing that we're harping on as well."

As the conversation unfolds, Brian and Cory provide insights into what to expect at a powerlifting meet, breaking down the structure and rules governing the competition. With their guidance and support, clients at Infinity Gym are encouraged to step outside their comfort zones and explore the world of powerlifting, unlocking new levels of strength and resilience along the way.

Brian: "So again, if anyone's interested, I would say don't be afraid to reach out. I think there's a lot of people that again are afraid of stepping outside of their comfort zone and I would strongly urge you to give powerlifting a try."

In conclusion, powerlifting offers a unique approach to fitness, focusing on strength, technique, and performance. With the guidance of experienced coaches like Brian and Cory, individuals can embark on a transformative journey, discovering their true potential and achieving remarkable results in the world of powerlifting. If you're curious about powerlifting or ready to take your fitness to the next level, don't hesitate to reach out to Infinity Gym and join the powerlifting revolution today.