fall powerlifting meet

We welcome lifters of all levels, especially those who have never competed before. New participants should walk away from our meets with an understanding of how a competition would run. All participants should walk away with a huge sense of accomplishment. This is an opportunity to test your current training, cheer on your fellow teammates, and compete against yourself. We’re running the event seriously, but not taking ourselves too seriously.

This is not a sanctioned meet, therefore performances will not qualify for other competitions. We follow USAPL rules for judging each lift, but we will not be checking equipment, disqualifying athletes, or requiring singlets. If you’ve competed before, you should wear your competition singlet and equipment.

There is no fee to participate.

We recommend signing up by the end of May, and will accept late commitments on a case-by-case basis. For Infinity clients, Coach Brian’s 16-week program will begin immediately after the Murph on May 27th. We will send at least one email communication to participants with helpful information and resources prior to the event. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Coach Brian if you have questions in the meantime!

lifter signup form


  • Infinity Athletics | 730 Willow Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850

  • Check-In: 8-9AM | No weigh-ins will be taking place at this event. Check-In with Laryssa or Alex K to get your squat/bench rack heights and opening lifts recorded.

    Rule Review & Warmups Begin: 9AM | Coach Brian will review rules, then lead an optional group mobility warmup. Transition to individual warmup routines for squats.

    Event Start: 10AM | We’ll give attendees time to settle in, and walk them through how a powerlifting meet works.

    Lifting Begins: 10:05AM | Squats are first!

    (Estimate) Bench Begins: 11:10AM

    (Estimate) Deadlift Begins: 12:10PM

  • How does a powerlifting meet work?

    Each lifter gets 3 attempts at all 3 lifts, at the weight of their choosing. Lifters will rotate through each attempt based on the weight that’s on the bar.

    “Rising bar” rules means the bar never decreases in weight once added. You can only reattempt at the same weight or go up. We recommend your first attempt for each lift starts conservatively.

    Three judges will judge each attempt, and each will give either a white light (successful attempt) or red light (failed attempt). You have one minute from the time the weight is loaded on the bar to complete your attempt. You need to get at least 2 white lights for that attempt successful.

    What is your goal as a lifter?

    Focus on successfully completing each attempt and getting three white lights, rather than making difficult weight attempts. Don’t miss a cue! The best way to walk away from this meet is with all white lights. The third and final attempt for a lift may or may not be a PR, and that’s ok!

    What are the cues for each lift?

    Brian will run through these details thoroughly at the meet. But, this will help you prepare for what to expect:

    Squat: You will receive 2 commands. Once the weight is loaded on your back, you will be given the start command. You don’t have to react immediately, but you cannot start your squat before their command. After you come up from your squat to a full stand, you wait to receive the rack command, demonstrating control. At that point you can return the bar to the rack.

    Bench: There are 3 commands with this one - Start, Press, Rack. Like squats, you cannot start benching until the bar is lifted from the rack and under your control. Spotters will help lift it from the rack. The judge will say start, allowing you to drop the bar. They will wait for the bar to be under your control at the bottom of the lift (no bouncing!) before saying Press so you can press the bar back up. Hold and control the bar at the top position until they command you to rack the bar.

    Deadlift: Simplest lift! Just one command. You can start whenever you are ready. The judge will be waiting for you to lock out at the top before giving the down command. Then you may bring the bar back down to the ground, but it cannot leave your hands (don’t just drop the bar from the top of the lift).

  • Clothes to compete in, your lifting belt (if you have one), long/knee-high socks for deadlifts, and shoes you are comfortable lifting in. Typically, flat training shoes or casual sneakers like Vans, converse, etc. We do not recommend cushioned running shoes.

    Snacks and some energy drinks will help with the post-bench slump before deadlifts.

    We will have some extra belts, or a teammate will be happy to share theirs with you!

    Chalk will be provided for lifters

  • Check back regularly for more updates here!

    • This is a kid and family-friendly event. The more, the merrier! We encourage outdoor voices when cheering everyone on.

    • Light food will be provided for lifters and attendees. If you wish to bring a dish or snack to pass, please do!